March 31, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Alice In Wonderland, the Second Half

Because I enjoyed the Alice in Wonderland unit so much, I figured I would read the second half for my extra reading since I didn't get a chance at the beginning of the week!

Although I liked the first half of this reading better, I liked the second part a lot as well because it was ten times the madness! People in Wonderland seem to never make sense, and I kind of like that. One part, that I didn't like was the ending. You know how in elementary school the whole "wake up in a dream" thing is always a cop out to writing an actual ending? I felt a little bit like that about the end of this story, although I am sure that, being written in 1850, they called "dibs" on that. It was probably a novel ending back then...

I actually got a bit frustrated by the king by the end of the court session about who stole the tarts. At this point I am definitely feeling the same emotions as Alice probably is while standing in the court room. Another thing I really like is that it includes Alice's thoughts in the dialogue. For instance, the comment about jurors.
'I suppose they are the jurors.' She said this last word two or three times over to herself, being rather proud of it: for she thought, and rightly too, that very few little girls of her age knew the meaning of it at all. However, 'jury-men' would have done just as well.
I just think it's funny how it includes Alice's sentiments all throughout the context. I'm glad I was able to finish off this unit, and loved my trip down memory lane.

Image Creds:Pinterest 

1 comment:

  1. Avery,

    I think that this reading diary is perhaps one of the best I've read in a while: It's nice to see how you poignantly and personally convey your reactions to the plot line, and to general literary mechanisms like the "wake up in a dream" cop-out.

    I guess I'd never thought about that, really. Perhaps the common use of the "waking up in a dream" incident stems from how disconcerting it is to be left hanging, right as we are about to discover something while asleep! Frustrating, and true.
