January 16, 2015

UnTextbook Experience

I've grown up hearing a lot of the names included in the UnTextbook, and I think it is a pretty good deal to get to explore these more in depth for class credit. Almost every single one grabs my attention in some capacity, but I'll make note of a few that grab my attention currently.

Sindbad. I've heard this name many times, yet have never explored its origin. I feel like this class provides me the perfect opportunity to explore the stories of Sindbad and his voyages. I know that I will want to stop reading and just jump on the ships with him!

Nursery Rhymes. What a classic idea! We all hear them, and rhyming in particular always fits my fancy because I just find it clever. I think I will enjoy looking into some nursery rhymes more in depth and understand the original versions of the childhood chants.

One of my favorite nursery rhymes, the three little pigs. 
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons.

Homer's Odyssey. I read this book in high school and loved it. Maybe it was the adventure or maybe it was... no, it was definitely the adventure. I'm a sucker for it. Any book that makes me want to stop reading it and DO it, is a success. By the end of the semester I fully expect Odysseus and I to become best friends.

Alaska. Frontiers. Pioneering. I guess you could say I am pretty "inuit." Alaska is intriguing to me. The inuits that settled the frontier, also known as eskimos, are (c)old friends of mine. I have done research on their throat singing style, although have failed at making it my own. Exploring more about this culture would just help me have a more complete understanding of them, and that is so very exciting!

King Arthur. Good ol' King Arthur. I also read up on him a lot in high school and would love a refresher. Quests for the Holy Grail and other adventures... plus it will help me have a more realistic idea of what is happening when I watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

A very serious representation of King Arthur done through Monty Python. 
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

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