February 18, 2015

Reading Diary A: Brer Rabbit

Brer Rabbit it is this week! What a challenge! I am doing a rabbit-themed Storybook this semester so I figured it would be worth it to do one of the Brer Rabbit units, since he is going to be a character in my storybook post in a few days!

Due to a booked schedule and some unexpected events, I was only able to read the first half of the unit. I will say this was a challenge for me because of the dialect used. I ended up having to read it out loud a few times before I could understand what each character was saying.

My favorite story was a bit of a cliché for Brer Rabbit, but it is called The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story, and it is just that: wonderful. Brer Rabbit had previously played a trick on Brer Fox, so Brer Fox is in retaliation mode. He crafts a baby out of tar, and up walks Brer Rabbit. Getting frustrated at the lack of animation from the tar baby, he tried to attack it only to find out his arm got stuck in the tar! He gets even angrier until both arms and his head is caught in the tar! Meanwhile, Brer Fox is in the bushes watching all this transpire, and eventually he can't handle it and bursts out laughing.

I just liked this story because it was one of a good prank. If you know me, you know I love pranks. Granted, I have never crafted a tar baby, but the idea is the same. I love a good trick!

London version of a dapper Brer Rabbit.
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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