April 15, 2015

Reading Diary B: La Fontaine Fables

Read the second half of Fontaine's Aesop's Fables. The second half was much like the first. It grouped the fables and broke it down by the animal involved in the story. I liked a lot of them but for some reason my favorite part was in the story The Bear and The Amateur Gardener.

"The bear, with thoughts the same,
Down from his mountain came;
And in a solitary place,
They met each other, face to face."
This is an excerpt from the story where the bear and the gardener are about to "face off" if you can call it that. At the end the bear ends up living with the man and everything is great. But at the very end a very trivial instance made the bear kill the man. It just teaches to be aware of your surroundings and intentions of your friendships.

I guess the reason why I liked it so much is that it seemed to me like a very dramatic face off between the two. Like I can just imagine the bear clambering down the mountain side and coming to a complete stop right as the man has his chest puffed out standing tall in the middle of a mouton meadow. The creatures of the forest stand in awe to see the outcome... it could be a cool movie scene, that is for sure!

If I were to imagine this scene, here is how I think it would end up:

Image Credit: io9

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